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Wedding Makeup near me in Greensboro, NC (1)

  • StylesByCalesha

    2.6 mi 1025 HOMELAND Ave, Greensboro, 27405

    Cancellation Fee

    All appointments must be canceled or rescheduled 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time in order to avoid the $30 cancellation fee! Arriving 15 minutes or more late to your appointment may result in automatic cancellation. Fees are to be paid via cashapp ($caleshathompson)or cash on the same day as canceled or rescheduled appointment. You will not be able to book until the fee is paid.


    Where client and stylist discuss the following; Health hair journey Color services & Patch test Style services

    Single color process

    This service includes 1 color process & a blowout. Toning additional $25 if needed.
    2h 45min