Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
617 Broadway, Everett, MA, 02149
37 reviews

Beauty Vibes Aesthetics

617 Broadway, Everett, MA, 02149



    13 services
    • The Glow Up Facial + Extractions

    • Deep Cleaning Facial + Dermaplaning

      2h 15min
      Deep Cleaning Facial
    • Glow Up Facial

      Save up to 20%
      $125.00 $100.00
      1h 30min
    • Beauty Vibes Spa Facial

      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00
    • Deep Cleaning Facial

      Deep Cleaning Facial This treatment is targeted in really cleansing and extracting Clogged and Congested Skin. It’s a great treatment for someone who needs a lot of extractions. If for instance, it is your first facial in a while. I recommend this treatment. Included: -Cleansing -Exfoliation -Extraction -1 Masks -Hot Towel -Facial Massage *2hr Treatment - $130 (Portuguese) Limpeza de Pele Profunda Este tratamento visa realmente limpar e extrair a pele entupida e congestionada. É um ótimo tratamento para pele acneica e quem precisa de muitas extrações. Se, por exemplo, for seu primeiro tratamento facial em algum tempo, eu recomendo este tratamento! Incluído: -Higienização da Pele -Esfoliação -Extração -1 máscara -Hot Towel -Massagem Facial *Tratamento de 2hrs - $130
      Save up to 20%
      $130.00 $104.00
      1h 30min
    • LED Light Facial

      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00
    • Express Facial

      This facial treatment is for those who wants a quick refreshing of the skin. You will leave with clean and glowing skin. Perfect treatment for someone who doesn’t need a lot of extractions. -Cleansing -Exfoliation -Quick Extractions -Hydrating Mask -Facial Massage *1hr Treatment (Portuguese) Este tratamento facial é para quem deseja uma rápida refrescância e limpeza da pele. Você vai sair com uma pele limpa e hidratada. Tratamento perfeito para quem não precisa de muitas extrações. -Higienização da Pele -Esfoliação -Extrações rápidas -Máscara Hidratante -Massagem Facial *Tratamento de 1hr.
    • Back Facial

      BACK FACIAL Get rid of back acne – A cleansing treatment for the back can help clear-out clogged pore by exfoliation, toning, and nourishment. It is a way of exfoliating an area that you cannot get to on your own. Both men and women enjoy back facial to combat acne. *2hr treatment. -$100 (Portugues) Limpeza de Pele nas Costas Livre-se de acne nas costas – Um tratamento de limpeza para as costas pode ajudar a limpar os poros entupidos por meio de extração, tonificação e nutrição. É uma forma de esfoliar uma área que você não consegue alcançar sozinho. Homens e mulheres podem relaxar e combater a acne com esse tratamento. * 2 horas de tratamento. -$ 100
      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00
    • Chemical Peel

      Improves the skin's color, clarity, tone and texture. Stimulating new collagen and healthy skin cell growth, resulting in a radiant complexion. Reducing discoloration caused by sun damage. Helping to clear up breakouts. Smoothing away the look of fine lines and wrinkles. (Portugues) PEELING QUIMICO Melhora a cor, clareza, tom e textura da pele. Estimula o novo colágeno e o crescimento saudável das células da pele, resultando em uma tez radiante. Reduzindo a descoloração e danos causados ​​pelo sol. Ajuda na prevenção de acne. Suavizando a aparência de linhas de expressão e rugas.
      Save up to 20%
      $90.00 $72.00
    • Diamond Peeling

      DIAMOND PEELING Diamond Peel is a non-invasive procedure which: - Removes excess oil, dirt and dead cells on surface of the skin. - Removes blackheads and whiteheads. - Improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. - Reduces mild to moderate acne breakouts. - Stimulates blood circulation in the face. *1hr Treatment (Portugues) PEELING DE DIAMANTE O Peeling de Diamante é um procedimento não invasivo que: - Remove o excesso de oleosidade, sujeira e células mortas na superfície da pele. - Remove cravos e espinhas. - Melhora a aparência de rugas e linhas de expressão. - Reduz acne leve a moderada. - Estimula a circulação sanguínea no rosto. 1hr de Tratamento
      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00
    • Microdermabrasion

      Microdermabrasion benefits allow the underlying layer of new skin to grow; it also sparks the production of collagen, restoring smoothness and firmness to your skin. The overall result is a noticeably rejuvenated appearance.
      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00
    • Dermaplaning

      - Safe procedure for removing dead skin cells and “peachfuzz”. - Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils. - Promotes smoother skin. - Will leave your skin Glowing and Brightened. Works on all skin types. Instant results and no downtime! *45min Treatment (Portugues) DERMAPLANING - Procedimento seguro para remoção de células mortas da pele e “penugem”. - Remove pêlos faciais macios que retêm sujeira e óleos. - Promove uma pele mais lisa. - Vai deixar sua pele Brilhante e Iluminada. Funciona em todos os tipos de pele. Resultados instantâneos e sem tempo de inatividade! *Tratamento de 45 minutos
      Save up to 20%
      $50.00 $40.00
    • Microneedling

      Microneedling is used to treat and improve conditions like acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, skin texture, pore size, brown spots, stretch marks, and pigment issues. This is an incredible treatment to maintain your skin health, while preventing expression lines and wrinkles. *1hr Treatment (Portugues) MICROAGULHAMENTO O microagulhamento é usado para tratar e melhorar condições como cicatrizes de acne, linhas de expressão e rugas, pele flácida, textura da pele, tamanho dos poros, manchas na pele, estrias e problemas de pigmentação. Este é um tratamento incrível para manter a saúde da pele, evitando linhas de expressão e rugas. *1hr de Tratamento
      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00


    4 services
    • Body Sculpting Treatment

      A combination of amazing techniques to sculpt your body. By tacking those areas of stubborn localized fat this procedure with help you get the body of your dream Included: - Wood-therapy - Cupping Therapy - Manual Modeling Massage - Lymphatic drainage - Thermal blanket - Choice of one of our body-shaping machine. *2hr Treatment (Portugues) BODY-SCULPTING TREATMENT Uma combinação de técnicas incríveis para esculpir seu corpo. Ao abordar essas áreas de gordura localizada teimosa, este procedimento ajudará você a obter o corpo dos seus sonhos. Inclui: - Woodterapia - Terapia de Ventosa - Massagem Modeladora Manual - Drenagem linfática - Cobertor térmico - Escolha de uma das nossas máquinas de modelar o corpo. *1hr de Tratamento
      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00
    • Radio Lipo ( Non-Invasive Lipo )

      This is a fat reduction treatment. It works as a melting fat procedure. Our 4K CAVITATION machine is used in this treatment. This treatment will eliminate localized fat And slim the body. *2hr Treatment (Portuguese) Radio-Lipo (Não Invasiva) Este é um tratamento de redução de gordura. Funciona como um procedimento de reduzir a gordura. Nossa maquinas de CAVITAÇAO 4K são usadas neste tratamento. Este tratamento vai eliminar gordura localizada e modelar o corpo. *Tratamento de 2 horas
      Save up to 20%
      $150.00 $120.00
    • Electro Current - Toning & Tightening

      Tones and shapes the body without the effort of physical activity demands (10 minutes of the technique applied on the abdomen equals 400 sit-ups performed correctly). *1hr Treatment (Portugues) Corrente Russa - Tonificação e Firmeza Tonifica e modela o corpo sem o esforço das exigências da atividade física (10 minutos da técnica aplicada no abdômen equivalem a 400 abdominais realizados corretamente). *1hr de Tratamento
      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00
    • Pump Up - Butt Lift

      Pump-Up - Butt Lift Looking for quick results without pain and without surgical intervention to shape the butt of dreams, Bumbum na Nuca is the perfect treatment! • Improves the appearance of cellulite. • Tones the buttocks. • Increases blood circulation at the site. • Modeling of the glutes. *1hr Treatment -$100 (Português) Pump-Up - BUMBUM NA NUCA Em busca de resultados rápidos, sem dor e sem intervenção cirúrgica para modelar o bumbum dos sonhos, o Bumbum na Nuca é o tratamento perfeito! • Melhora o aspecto da celulite. • Tonifica as nádegas. • Aumenta a circulação sanguínea no local. • Modelagem dos glúteos. *1h de tratamento - $ 100
      Save up to 20%
      $100.00 $80.00


    19 services
    • Consultation

      Clients with interest in our Plasma Fibroblast procedure must attend a consultation before scheduling your treatment. Not all skin types are good candidates for Plasma Fibroblast. During this consultation we analise the skin and also go over the treatment process.
    • Upper Eye Lift Treatment

      Ai essa descriçao aqui vai para o procedimento de plasma em geral independente da area. The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !! (Portugues) O Plasma Fibroblast é um procedimento feito com uma caneta de plasma especializada em aumentar a produção de colágeno e fibras elásticas. Resultando em um tratamento extremamente eficaz para tratar: - Flacidez da pele - Cicatrizes – Rugas – Linhas de expressão - Estrias - Cicatrizes de acne. E a chamada blefaroplastia não cirúrgica e muito mais !!
      Save up to 20%
      $450.00 $360.00
    • Crows Feet Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $195.00 $156.00
    • Lower Eye Lift Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $450.00 $360.00
    • Upper & Lower Lids Combo

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $750.00 $600.00
    • Forehead Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $450.00 $360.00
    • Nasolabial Folds Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $350.00 $280.00
    • Upper & Botton Lip Lines Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $450.00 $360.00
    • Lower Face Treatment

      ( Includes Jawline, Upper/Lower Lips, Nasolabial Folds and Chin) * Neck not included. The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $750.00 $600.00
    • Neck Lift - Turkey Neck Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $850.00 $680.00
    • Under Chin Tightening Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $450.00 $360.00
    • Acne Scarring Treatment

      (Prices may be more or less depending on how much surface area needs to be covered. An accurate quote is discussed during a consultation.) The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $600.00 $480.00
    • Chest Wrinkles Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $750.00 $600.00
    • Hand Rejuvenation Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $650.00 $520.00
    • Belly Button Area Tightening Treatment

      $350 & Up The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $350.00 $280.00
    • Tummy Tightening Treatment

      $999 & Up The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $999.00 $799.20
      4h 30min
    • Knee Lift Treatment

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $750.00 $600.00
    • Revival Lift Full Face & Neck

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !!
      Save up to 20%
      $1,900.00 $1,520.00
      4h 30min
    • Revival Lift Full Face

      The Plasma Fibroblast is a procedure done with a plasma pen that specializes in increasing the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Resulting in an extremely effective treatment to treat: – Sagging Skin – Scars – Wrinkles – Expression lines – Stretch marks – Acne scars. And the so-called non-surgical blepharoplasty and more !
      Save up to 20%
      $1,550.00 $1,240.00
      4h 30min


    7 services
    • Wispy Full Set

    • Brazilian Volume Full Set

    • Hybrid Full Set

    • Volume Full Set

      Save up to 20%
      $145.00 $116.00
    • Classic Full Set

      Save up to 20%
      $120.00 $96.00
      1h 30min
    • 2 Lash Weeks Fill

    • Removal


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Booksy guarantees that reviews with the "Verified Booksy user" tag have been added by registered Booksy users who have had an appointment with the provider. A registered Booksy user has the opportunity to add a review only after the service has been provided to them.
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Glow Up Facial
by Laylla Bravos
Layalla is a wonderful person! She doe amazing work and she is super fun to work with you! She is very flexible fun and knows her in and out of everyo...ne skin and her customers and the best part is her customer service the way she talk to a customer and her clients is very sweet. She’s always smiling and it just makes my day every time I see her and of course she makes me look like a glazed donut every time I leave from there Show more
2 Weeks Fill - Classici
by Laylla Bravos
She is simply the best!
Volume Full Set
by Laylla Bravos
Very kind, professional, and relaxing service!!
Glow Up Facial
by Laylla Bravos
The most relaxing experience ive ever had! I tell all my friends!
Chemical Peel
by Laylla Bravos
Excellent service thank you 💜
Deep Cleaning Facial
by Laylla Bravos
Me encato 😍😍😍😍😍
Glow Up Facial
by Laylla Bravos
Amazing service! Super relaxing and calming
Glow Up Facial
by Laylla Bravos
AMAZING‼️ Too good and so relaxing can’t wait see Laylla again
Deep Cleaning Facial
by Laylla Bravos
First time there and exceeded my expectations worth it definitely recommend definitely going back again!! Laylla gives best treatment
Chemical Peel
by Laylla Bravos
Laylla is the best and she is an incredible professional who will bring the best in you
Replied: May 9, 2023
Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
Thaank youu!! And thank you for sticking with the plan, your skin has come a long way ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Classic Full Set
by Laylla Bravos
I just love her very patience 💕 and professional 🥰
Replied: May 9, 2023
Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
Awn thank you lovee !! 😘
Deep Cleaning Facial
by Laylla Bravos
I absolutely loved this entire experience, she made me feel very welcomed and comfortable. Would highly recommend to others.
Replied: May 9, 2023
Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
Thank you soo much loove !!! ☺️ reviews like these fills my heart ❤️ I love taking care of yous !!
Chemical Peel
by Laylla Bravos
Really nice lady!
Replied: May 9, 2023
Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
Thaank youu!! ☺️
Glow Up Facial
by Laylla Bravos
👍 great
Replied: May 9, 2023
Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
Thank youu love !! Thanks for being sich a loyal client !!❤️
Classic Full Set
by Laylla Bravos
Its always a pleasure to go see Laylla! Such a caring and lovely professional. Thank you for always taking so good care of me. 🧡✨
Replied: May 9, 2023
Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
Thaaank youu!! You are the beeest ❤️ 3 years with me !! 🙏🏻
by Laylla Bravos
Amazing job!
by Laylla Bravos
Laylla is great!
Replied: Mar 21, 2022
Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
Thank youu!! I love caring for yours and your family’s skin 🤗🤗
Deep Cleaning Facial
by Laylla Bravos
It was a great experience, great results
Chemical Peel
by Laylla Bravos
Deep Cleaning Facial
by Laylla Bravos
I feel on top of the world. #summer2022 here i come.
Replied: Dec 5, 2021
Beauty Vibes Aesthetics
Aaahh 🥰🥰🤗 I’m soo glad love !!! My goal is to make you guys feel exactly like that!! ❤️
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