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Health & Fitness near me in Bloomfield, IN (2)

  • Mobile service

    T2 Sports Performance

    47.9 mi W Sample St, 3300, 400, South Bend, 46619

    Nelson’s fundraiser presale


    Free assessment

    For our new and inquiring clients that would like to understand a little more what our facility has to offer come take advantage of a free assessment. This will allow us to build a program fit to your goals and body type.

    Tevin 1 on 1

  • Advanced Healing Myofascial Release & Wellness, llc

    19.1 mi 610 N Wayne St Suite C, Angola, 46703

    Reiki Session

    Reiki is a method of energy healing that involves balancing and restoring the body's natural energies for the purposes of increasing vitality, balancing emotions, and improving health and well being.

    Myofascial Release 60 min

    The John F. Barnes Approach to Myofascial Release is a gentle, yet extremely effective and powerful, treatment, in which the highly skilled and trained therapist uses their hands to release restrictions in the 3-dimensional fascial web.

    Myofascial Release 90 minutes

    The John F. Barnes Approach to Myofascial Release is a gentle, yet extremely effective and powerful, treatment, in which the highly skilled and trained therapist uses their hands to release restrictions in the 3-dimensional fascial web.
    1h 30min